Chart Your Course to Success: Career Profile Testing

Take our comprehensive career psychometric test (Holland-RIASEC Codes) to uncover your ideal career path. By assessing your interests, strengths, and goals, our test provides valuable insights to guide you towards a fulfilling and rewarding career.


Choose the right career for you

What are Holland (RIASEC) Codes?

John L. Holland, a psychologist and professor at John Hopkins University, believed that a person's personality aligns with the types of careers they are drawn to. He developed the Holland Occupational Themes, also known as the Holland Codes (RIASEC), as a way to help people choose their careers. RIASEC stands for Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional. The career keys are organized and classified according to college majors, career

R - Realistic (the Doers)

The Realistic type Holland Code refers to individuals who are DOERS and are interested in hands-on, practical activities that involve the use of tools, machines, and other physical materials. These individuals tend to be strong in physical abilities, such as manual dexterity, and may prefer to work with their hands or in technical fields. They are often practical, realistic, and prefer to work with things rather than people. Careers that may be suitable for individuals with a Realistic Holland Code include mechanic, engineer, carpenter, and electricians.

Explore Matching R Careers
I - Investigative (the Thinkers)

The Investigative type Holland Code refers to individuals who are THINKERS and are interested in research, investigation, and intellectual pursuits. These individuals tend to be analytical, curious, and systematic, and may prefer to work in environments that allow them to gather and analyze information. They may be drawn to careers in science, research, or academia. Careers that may be suitable for individuals with an Investigative Holland Code include scientist, researcher, analyst, and engineer.

Explore Matching I Careers
A - Artistic (the Creators)

The Artistic type Holland Code refers to individuals who are the CREATORS and are interested in creative, original, and expressive work. These individuals tend to be intuitive and innovative, and may be drawn to careers in the arts, such as music, writing, or acting. They may also be interested in careers that involve creative problem-solving, such as design or advertising. Careers that may be suitable for individuals with an Artistic Holland Code include artist, musician, writer, and actor.

Explore Matching A Careers
S - Social (the Helpers)

The Enterprising type Holland Code refers to individuals who are the PERSUADERS and are interested in careers in leadership, entrepreneurship, and business. These individuals tend to be ambitious, energetic, and confident, and may be drawn to careers in business, sales, or marketing. They may also be interested in careers that involve taking on leadership roles or starting their own businesses. Careers that may be suitable for individuals with an Enterprising Holland Code include business owner, salesperson, manager, and marketing professional.

Explore Matching S Careers
E - Enterprising (the Persuaders)

The Enterprising type Holland Code refers to individuals who are the PERSUADERS and are interested in careers in leadership, entrepreneurship, and business. These individuals tend to be ambitious, energetic, and confident, and may be drawn to careers in business, sales, or marketing. They may also be interested in careers that involve taking on leadership roles or starting their own businesses. Careers that may be suitable for individuals with an Enterprising Holland Code include business owner, salesperson, manager, and marketing professional.

Explore Matching E Careers
C - Conventional (the Organizers)

The Conventional type Holland Code refers to individuals who are the ORGANIZERS and are interested in working with data, rules, and systems. These individuals tend to be organized, detail-oriented, and efficient, and may be drawn to careers that involve working with numbers or information. They may also be interested in careers that involve following established procedures and systems, such as accounting or office management. Careers that may be suitable for individuals with a Conventional Holland Code include accountant, data analyst, clerk, and administrative assistant.

Explore Matching C Careers
Take The Test

The Holland Interest Profiler test is easy to take. It consists of 42 tasks/statements with a Yes/No answer. It is important to note that there are no wrong answers, and the test has no time limits. All you have to do is to read the statements carefully and provide an honest answer. The general rule is that for each task or statement you will need to answer it based on whether you like to do it or not. If you like it choose Yes, and if you dislike, simply choose No. Simply answer all the 42 tasks and submit to see your RIASEC Interest profile. Using your Holland Interest Profile, the platform will guide you to match the right careers, majors and top colleges that are most likely suitable to your abilities, interest, skills and traits.

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Your RIASEC Test Result

These are your Holland Interest Profiler test results. The scores for each of the interest profiles are mentioned alongside the bars.

Based on your results, your top 3 Interest Markers are