The Rockefeller University

1230 York Avenue
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Financial Aid
Net Price
Tuition Policies for Servicemembers and Veterans
Athletic Graduation Rates
Mission Statement
  The mission of the graduate program at The Rockefeller University, a world-renowned center for research and graduate education in the biosciences, is to provide the highest quality education in science for the benefit of humankind. Founded by John D. Rockefeller Sr. in 1901 as the nation's first institute for medical research, the University has a unique laboratory-based structure that encourages interdisciplinary research, which today plays an increasingly critical role in scientific achievement. The rigorous academic training and research environment enables students to develop creativity and discover their own capabilities.
Special Learning Opportunities
Student Services
Academic/career counseling service
On-campus day care for students' children
Carnegie Classification
Special Focus Four-Year: Research Institutions
Religious Affiliation
Not applicable
Federal Aid
Eligible students' federally guaranteed loans may be deferred while enrolled.
For-credit instruction programs offered
Noncredit education offered
Institution does not offer noncredit education
Credit Accepted
Institution does not accept dual, credit for life, or AP credits
Faculty and graduate assistants by primary function, Fall 2022Full timePart time
Total faculty40722
Research and public service33717
Total graduate assistants-0
Average graduate student tuition and fees for academic year2022-2023
Alternative Tuition Plans and Promise Program
  • No alternative tuition plans are offered by this institution.
  • Does not participate in Promise program
  • This institution did not offer programs at or below the baccalaureate level in 2021-2022, therefore financial aid information was not reported.
  • This institution did not offer programs at or below the baccalaureate level in 2021-2022, therefore net price information was not reported.
Net Price Calculator
An institution’s net price calculator allows current and prospective students, families, and other consumers to estimate the net price of attending that institution for a particular student.
Visit this institution's net price calculator
Fall 2022
Total enrollment (all graduate)273
Attendance StatusStudent Gender
Attendance Status:Full-time: 100%Part-time: 0%Student Gender:Male: 55%Female: 45%
Student Race/ethnicity
Student Race/ethnicity:American Indian or Alaska Native: 0%Asian: 11%Black or African American: 5%Hispanic/Latino: 9%Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 0%White: 37%Two or more races: 2%Race/ethnicity unknown: 0%U.S. Nonresident: 36%
Graduate Distance Education Status
Graduate Enrollment by Distance Education Status:Enrolled exclusively in distance education courses: 0%Enrolled in some, but not all, distance education courses: 0%Not enrolled in any distance education courses: 100%
  • This institution does not offer programs at or below the baccalaureate level, therefore admission information was not reported.
  • This institution did not admit full-time first-time undergraduate-level students in the cohort year, therefore graduation rate information was not reported.
Completions (Number of awards conferred) 2021-2022
Completions are the number of awards conferred by program and award level.
sort byProgramMasterDoctor
  • Data shown are for first majors.
  • (-) Program is not offered at this award level.
Biological and Biomedical Sciences
Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other3-
Biomedical Sciences, General-40
Category total340
Grand total340
  • No varsity sports data reported for this institution. Data on varsity athletics are submitted annually as required by the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA), by all co-educational postsecondary institutions that have an intercollegiate athletics program. For the most recent data collection, EADA did not collect data on varsity athletics for programs that were cancelled due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Institutional Accreditation
AccreditorStatusNext Review Date
New England Commission of Higher EducationAccredited since ((!)01/21/2023)06/30/2027
 No Longer Recognized  New York State Board of Regents, and the Commissioner of EducationAccredited (11/19/1954 - 05/10/2023)
  • (!) Estimated date
  • For more detailed information on accreditation for this institution, including all actions and justification for actions, visit OPE's Database of Accredited Postsecondary Institutions and Programs:
  • No campus security data reported for this institution.
Tuition policies specifically for Veterans and Servicemembers
Educational Benefits, 2021-2022
  • Institution did not award educational benefits in 2013-14.
Three-year Official Cohort Default Rates
  • This institution is not found on the current Federal loan default rates database. Cohort Default Rate (CDR) data are not included when number of borrowers entering repayment includes 10 or fewer borrowers for all 3 cohort years.