University of Phoenix-Nevada

3755 Breakthrough Way
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Special Learning Opportunities
Distance education – undergraduate courses offered, programs not offered
Distance education – graduate courses offered, programs not offered
Weekend/evening college
Student Services
Academic/career counseling service
Undergraduate students enrolled who are formally registered with office of disability services
Carnegie Classification
Baccalaureate Colleges: Diverse Fields
Religious Affiliation
Not applicable
Federal Aid
Eligible students may receive Pell Grants and other federal aid (e.g. Direct Loans).
For-credit instruction programs offered
Noncredit education offered
Institution does not offer noncredit education
Credit Accepted
Credit for life experiences
Advanced placement (AP) credits
Faculty data for this campus is combined with data from parent institution University of Phoenix-Arizona.
Average tuition and fees for academic year2022-2023
Undergraduate student tuition and fees
Graduate student tuition and fees
Alternative Tuition Plans and Promise Program
Type of PlanOffered
Tuition guarantee planX
Prepaid tuition plan
Tuition payment plan
Other alternative tuition planX
  • Does not participate in Promise program
  • For more information on tuition payment plans, visit:
Undergraduate Student Financial Aid, 2021-2022
All Undergraduate Students
Type of AidNumber awarded aidPercent awarded aidTotal amount of aid awardedAverage amount of aid awarded
Grant or scholarship aid14964%$114,484$2,336
Pell grants1925%$68,378$3,599
Federal student loans2432%$200,442$8,352
  • 1 Grant or scholarship aid includes aid awarded, from the federal government, state or local government, the institution, and other sources known by the institution.
  • Institution did not report non-degree/non-certificate-seeking undergraduate students in 2021-2022.

  • For more information on Student Financial Assistance Programs or to apply for financial aid via the web, visit Federal Student Aid.
  • This institution did not admit full-time first-time undergraduate-level students in 2021-2022, therefore net price information was not reported.
Net Price Calculator
An institution’s net price calculator allows current and prospective students, families, and other consumers to estimate the net price of attending that institution for a particular student.
Fall 2022
Total enrollment (all undergraduate)30
Undergraduate transfer-in enrollment0
Attendance StatusStudent Gender
Attendance Status:Full-time: 100%Part-time: 0%Student Gender:Male: 73%Female: 27%
Student Race/ethnicity
Student Race/ethnicity:American Indian or Alaska Native: 0%Asian: 3%Black or African American: 30%Hispanic/Latino: 10%Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander: 3%White: 13%Two or more races: 3%Race/ethnicity unknown: 37%U.S. Nonresident: 0%
Undergraduate Student Age
Undergraduate Student Age:24 and under: 3%25 and over: 97%Age unknown: 0%
  • Age data are reported for Fall 2021.
Undergraduate Distance Education Status
Undergraduate Enrollment by Distance Education Status:Enrolled exclusively in distance education courses: 73%Enrolled in some, but not all, distance education courses: 7%Not enrolled in any distance education courses: 20%
  • This institution does not admit full-time first-time degree/certificate-seeking students, therefore admission information was not reported.
Overall Graduation Rate and Transfer-Out Rate

The overall graduation rate is also known as the "Student Right to Know" or IPEDS graduation rate. It tracks the progress of students who began their studies as full-time, first-time degree- or certificate-seeking students to see if they complete a degree or other award such as a certificate within 150% of "normal time" for completing the program in which they are enrolled.

Some institutions also report a transfer-out rate, which is the percentage of the full-time, first-time students who transferred to another institution without completing at the current institution.

Note that not all students at the institution are tracked for these rates. Students who have already attended another postsecondary institution, or who began their studies on a part-time basis, are not tracked for this rate.

Overall Graduation and Transfer-Out Rates for Students Who Began Their Studies in 2016-17
Overall graduation rate:Overall graduation rate: 33%(*) Transfer-out rate:
Percentage of Full-time, First-Time Students Who Graduated or Transferred Out Within 150% of "Normal Time" to Completion for Their Program
  • (*) Not all institutions report transfer-out rates.
Bachelor's Degree Graduation Rates

Bachelor’s degree graduation rates measure the percentage of entering students beginning their studies full-time and are planning to get a bachelor’s degree and who complete their degree program within a specified amount of time.

Graduation Rates for Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees
Bachelor's degree rate:[Began in 2014-15]4-year: 0%6-year: 9%8-year: 22%[Began in 2016-17]4-year: 0%6-year: 33%
Percentage of Full-time, First-time Students Who Graduated in the Specified Amount of Time and Began in 2014-15 or 2016-17
6-Year Graduation Rate by Gender for Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees
6-Year Graduation Rate by Gender for Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees:Male: 0%Female: 50%
Percentage of Full-time, First-time Students Who Began Their Studies in 2016-17 and Received a Degree or Award Within 150% of "Normal Time" to Completion for Their Program
6-Year Graduation Rate by Race/Ethnicity for Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees
6-Year Graduation Rate by Race/Ethnicity for Students Pursuing Bachelor's Degrees:Hispanic/Latino: 100%Two or more races: 0%Race/ethnicity unknown: 0%
Percentage of Full-time, First-time Students Who Began Their Studies in 2016-17 and Received a Degree or Award Within 150% of "Normal Time" to Completion for Their Program
Completions (Number of awards conferred) 2021-2022
Completions are the number of awards conferred by program and award level.
sort byProgramUndergraduate
  • Data shown are for first majors.
  • (-) Program is not offered at this award level.
Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services
Business Administration and Management, General4174
Finance, General-0-
Hospitality Administration/Management, General0--
Human Resources Management/Personnel Administration, General100
Marketing/Marketing Management, General000
Project Management1--
Category total6174
Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services
Information Technology-0-
Category total-0-
Health Professions and Related Programs
Hospital and Health Care Facilities Administration/Management-2-
Category total-2-
Homeland Security, Law Enforcement, Firefighting and Related Protective Services
Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement Administration19-
Category total19-
Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies
Behavioral Sciences-0-
Category total-0-
Public Administration and Social Service Professions
Human Services, General-0-
Category total-0-
Grand total7284
  • No varsity sports data reported for this institution. Data on varsity athletics are submitted annually as required by the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act (EADA), by all co-educational postsecondary institutions that have an intercollegiate athletics program. For the most recent data collection, EADA did not collect data on varsity athletics for programs that were cancelled due to the Coronavirus Pandemic.
Institutional Accreditation
AccreditorStatusNext Review Date
Higher Learning CommissionAccredited since ((!)01/15/2013)TBD
  • (!) Estimated date
  • No campus security data reported for this institution.
Services and Programs for Servicemembers and Veterans
Yellow Ribbon Program (officially known as Post-9/11 GI Bill, Yellow Ribbon Program)
Credit for military training
Dedicated point of contact for support services for veterans, military servicemembers, and their families
Member of Department of Defense Voluntary Educational Partnership Memorandum of Understanding
Tuition policies specifically for Veterans and Servicemembers
Educational Benefits, 2021-2022
Number of students receiving benefits/assistance
Number of students receiving benefits/assistance:Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits - undergraduates: 27Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits - graduates: 3DoD Tuition Assistance Program - undergraduates: 0DoD Tuition Assistance Program - graduates: 0
Average amount of benefits/assistance disbursed through the institution (*)
Average amount of benefits/assistance disbursed through the institution:Post-9/11 GI Bill Benefits - undergraduates: $8,089
  • (*) One or more average amounts of benefits/assistance are withheld to preserve the privacy of individuals.
Retention rate is the percentage of undergraduate students who began their studies in academic year 2013-14 and returned in academic year 2014-15
Three-year Official Cohort Default Rates
Fiscal Year202020192018
Default rate0.0%2.6%8.7%
Number in default11,2885,384
Number in repayment42,16348,48761,660
  • These default rates apply to all locations of this institution.
Aid Programs
  • Federal Direct Loan (Direct Loan)